For me

Sunday, August 5, 2012

International Art Festivals “Nestiya”

Bulgarian Art and Folklore Center “NESTIYA” and Association “EUTERPANI” work for diversification and enlargement of Bulgarian festive-ritual system. We search, keep and popularize Bulgarian and foreign live “human treasures” – unique and forgotten traditions and habits.
We organize and participate in festivals, concerts and presentations at home and abroad. Our activities are directed towards, development and popularization of instrumental, vocal and dance formations for authentic folklore, towards education, realization and integration of talented children from different ethnic groups for realization of international cultural exchange. Our work contributes for development of stable cultural tourism and the profits from it in Bulgarian resorts - Balchik, Albena, Golden sands, Sunny beach, Primorsko, Kiten and Tsarevo.
Our shows are open for different forms of arts: dance, music, theater, painting, photography, computer animation. In these acts can take part professional and amateur formations and individuals from country and abroad. Our performances are popular and voluntary and are characterized with mobility, open stage, free entrance. Our festivals continue five days (Thursday – Monday). On the first day we have technical conferences with the team leaders for the festivals’ organization. The concerts take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 20:00. During the festivals’ days Bulgarian songs and dances are learning. All our concerts start and finish with Bulgarian folk dances. On the last day (Sunday) diplomas and awards are given for best performances, costumes and Bulgarian dance “rachenitza”.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dear friends,

It is time for our sea summer festivals and art schools “NESTIYA – 2012”. They start in famous Bulgarian Black sea resorts – Balchik, Albena, Golden sands, Sunny beach, St. Vlas, Ravda, Primorsko, Kiten and Tsarevo.
Organizers of these forums are Bulgarian Art and Folklore Center “NESTIYA” and Association “EUTERPANI”.
Our purposes are to present and to popularize the cultural wealth and traditions of different countries, to show private achievements in many fields of arts, to establish a cultural exchange between institutions and collectives from our country and abroad.
Our activities are open for all forms of arts: dance, music, theater, fine arts, photography and computer animation. They are accompanied with festal defiles and evenings of friendship. Our scenes are built on open places, easy for participation and free entrance. Our festivals have no competition character. All participants receive diploma and presents.


SOFIA 01-03 June, 15-18 September
OBZOR 07-11 June
ALBENA 05-09 July, 02-06, 16-20 August
GOLDEN SANDS 21-25 June, 26-30 July, 02-06 August
SUNNY BEACH 28 June-02 July, 19-23 July, 09-13 August
RAVDA 08-17 July
BALCHIK 23-27 August
TSAREVO 01-03 September
PRIMORSKO 14-18 June


BALCHIK 20-27 August
ALBENA 02-09 July, 30 July-06 August, 13-20 August
SUNNY BEACH 25-30 June, 16-23 July, 06-13 August

Friday, January 13, 2012


13 Wine and Love” – St. Trifon and St. Valentine (Hall „Sredets”, Sofia)

17 Spring fest (Hall „Sredets”, Sofia)

13-16 Easter festival – classical and church music (Catholic cathedral "St. Josef", Sofia)

01-04 International art panorama “Sofia 2012” (in front of National Palace of Culture - NPC)

International art festivals “Black sea pearls” in different Bulgarian Black sea resorts

15-18 International festival of arts “Sofia 2012” (dedicated to the Day of Sofia – 17 September, in front of NPC and other places of Sofia)

01 Day of music (in front of NPC, Sofia)

01 Day of Leaders of the Bulgarian National (in different Sofia halls)

01-30 Christmas and New Year concerts (in different places of Sofia)