For me

Saturday, October 19, 2013

15 years Music Studio "Euterpa" and 5 years Association "Euterpani"

In September 2013 Association "Euterpani" completed five years from its creation. This year is one of the most active and successful for the Association. From September 2012 up to the same month of this year Association “Euterpani” organized and participated in 36 concerts, festivals, anniversaries, musicals, interviews and other official acts. Children with different age from Music studio “Euterpa” achieved diplomas, awards and other insignia of honor in different forum through the country. On October 05, 2013 in the head office Т.А.Й.М.С. Association "Euterpani" carried out official concert for its laureates and expressed its gratitude toward friends, colleges, parents, partners and sponsors. In a nice and ease atmosphere young alumni of Music studio "Euterpa" and guests presented again their marvellous performances.
